Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Change Facebook Theme With Chrome Extension ?

There are Many of Facebook Tips and Tricks Around the Internet. One of Them is to Change Facebook Theme. We all Know that Facebook already have a Blue Themes Which is set by Mark Zuckerberg for Some Reason. But Some of Users Don’t Like Default Theme or you can say They can Bore from that Default Theme. But Now Time is Changed because There are many Google Chrome Extension that can Change Facebook Theme in Just Seconds.  When I Use this Chrome Extension I Totally Amazed My Facebook Homepage is Change.

How to Change Facebook Theme with chrome Extension ?

  1. First of all Go to Chrome Webstore and  Download This Chrome Extension (Download Here).
  2. Now Go to Chrome Extension Where you see all of your Installed Chrome Extension.
  3. Now Click on Explore and Choose your Favorite Theme.
  4. Hit Install on your Favorite Theme and See the Magic.
NOTE : If You want to Revert all Changes or Jump Back to Default Theme of Facebook. Just Simply go to Chrome Extension section and un-check that extension or you can also Delete it from Chrome. We Also have more Mind Blowing Facebook Tips & Tricks that You can use for Entertainment and Use When Needed. We Post about Facebook Features to Aware the End Users to Improve Their Facebook User Experience.

How to Hide Friends List on Facebook from Others ?

We Already Cover Many of Facebook Tips and Tricks that Improved your User Experience with Facebook. Now Today We again come up with the Most Important Agenda Related to Facebook that “How You Hide Friends List on Facebook ?”. On the Internet there are many People and Hackers Who Seeking someone’s Facebook Friends for Multiple Purposes Like They Get your Information from Your Friends and use it for wrong Purpose. Hackers Mostly Target the Victim’s Friends to Hack Victim Because there many Many Hacking Attack that are Done by Getting Information about User Like Social Engg. to Get Info about Victim, Get Victim’s Hobbies, Favourite Singer and etc. It Must be Helpful in Brute Force Attack. So, That a Reason Why You Need to Hide Your Facebook Friends List. There are Probably 600,00 Facebook Hacking Attempt Per Day.
Facebook is not Responsible If Your Account is takeover by Someone Because It Already give you Many Privacy & Security Features to Improve User Experience. Facebook Do Hard Work to Improve Facebook that Users are Feel Safe While using Facebook. Facebook Launch “Bug Bounty Programs” that Security Researcher Find a Bug in Facebook that Help to Protect the User Data.

Steps to Hide Friends List on Facebook from Others :

  1. Login to Your Facebook Account and Click on Your Profile Picture to go Your Profile page.
  2. Now you are on Your Facebook Profile Page, Click on Your “Friends Tab” Under your Cover Photo.001
  3. After Click on “Friends Tab” It Will show your all of Facebook Friends.
  4. Now You will Find a Small “Manage” Icon on Top Right Corner, Click on It and Select “Edit Privacy” a Pop Up Box Will Appear on your Screen.002
  5. On This Pop Up Box You can See that “Friends List” Option Just Drop Download the Options and Choose “Only Me” Option to Hide your Facebook Friends from your Friends and Others.003
  6. Now Your Facebook Friends List is Hide from Your Friends & Others Successfully !

Invite All Friends On Facebook Page in One Click

Facebook Trick To Invite All Friends On Facebook Page in One Click Step by Step. It is very Time Consuming when we Invite our Facebook Friends One by One So Here is the Best Ways to Invite All Friends On Facebook Page in One Click One is by Chrome Extension or another is by using Small Script. It is usually Increase your Facebook User Experience and There are many Facebook Tips and Tricks that May be You Never Know. Our Purpose is to Offer a Step by Steps Guides to Teach You How You can Do this on Internet Easy Way.
Facebook is the Most influence Social Media Network on the Internet. Today, There are 1.44 Billions of People are using Facebook on Their Desktops, Laptops and Smartphones. In Facebook you can Create Pages, profile, Ads Campaign and Groups etc. It may be for Entertainment, Brand or an Organization. So, On Other Facebook is not only for Entertainment but Now It is also a Great way to Promote Your Business on Facebook. There are Millions of Brand who Pay a Big Money to Facebook for Promotion. But Individuals Who want to Boost their Websites, Small Business etc. can’t able to Get more Influence So, They can Make a Facebook Page to Boost their Business by Invite all of His Friends and Relatives to Like Their Facebook Page. But their is very Difficult to Invite too Many Friends at Same Time. But Don’t Worry Because we Bring an Elite Way to Invite All Friends on Facebook Page in One Click. Just Follow These Below Easy Steps.

#1 Way – How to Invite All Friends on Facebook Page in One Click ?

  1. Firstly, Download This Chrome Extension From WebStore (Facebook Invite All).
  2. After Successfully Added in your Chrome Browser Then Do The Real Thing.
  3. Login Your Facebook Account and When you Open Facebook You can See a Tick on Top Right Side.                                                  Facebook Invite All Chrome Extension is Installed ! !
  4. Now Open your Facebook Page Where your Invite Your all facebook Friends and Click on “Invite Friends to Like This Page”.Click on Invite Friends to Like Facebook Page  and See this Chrome Extension Automatically Invite all Friends to Facebook Page in One Click
  5. Now Guys Show Time, Click on Black Tick that Show in Top Right Side and Chrome Extension can Automatically Send an Invitation to your all Facebook Friends in Few Seconds. You can see in Below Picture that how Invitation is Automatically Sent to all Friends.Invite all Facebook Friends By Single Click
There are Many More Way to Invite All Friends on Facebook Page in One Click But This is the most Reliable and Easy Way to Do This Facebook Trick. It is Not Officially by Facebook But This is Easy to Get More Like on facebook Page without Wasting any Time to Click on Many Invite Buttons.

#2 Way – Invite All Friends on Facebook Page by Using Script :

  • First Login You Facebook Account and Go to Facebook Page Where you want to Invite your all Friends.
  • Click on Invite Button and a Pop Up Windows will Come Up.
  • Now You need to Press F12 and a Console will Open Below in Browser.
  • Copy This Below Code and Paste in that Console you see below in your Browser.
    var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm'); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].click(); }
    After Paste this Script in Console Just Click on Invite Button and It automatically send invitation to all of your Facebook Friends.

How To Delete All Facebook Messages At Once 2016 ?

Guys, Here we Again Come with New Facebook Trick. Sometime it Must helpful for You. You Already know that Facebook is the Number One Social Media Site and have Billions Hits per Day. People use it for Entertainment, Uploading Photos, Videos, Feelings and Many more Stuffs. But Sometimes you may be Send an unsuitable message to Your Friend or Relatives So You need to Delete all Messages Before They Read So, Delete Each Message One by One take Too much Time So, We Have a Facebook Trick to Delete all Facebook Messages at Once in Single Click. You Just Need to Download a Chrome Extension from Google Chrome Web Store.

Think Before Delete all Facebook messages at once 2015 :

Guys Once Think about That are you Sure to Delete All Facebook Messages because some time we have some Important Information in our Messages like Your Client Info, Confidential data and some other data that you only Available in your Inbox. So First Make a Backup of you Facebook Data Before Delete all Facebook Messages.
  1. Login to your Facebook Account. Go to Home >> Settings >> General.       001
  2. In last of Option you find an Option to “Download a Copy” of your Facebook Data.
  3. Just Click on it and it will Make Archive file of your Facebook Photos, Videos and messages etc
  4. and Send it to your Email that you Confirmed with that Account.

    Steps To Delete all Facebook messages at once 2015 :

  5. Go to Google Chrome Web Store and Search For “Facebook – Delete All Messages” named Extension. It’s Adds-on is also Available for Mozilla Firefox.
  6. On Next, Click on that Extension and Hit “Add to Chrome” Button. This will added a Facebook – Delete All Messages Extension in your Chrome Browser.002
  7. Guys, Now You need to Login your Facebook Account to Delete all Messages with this Chrome Extension.
  8. Now Click on Messages or You Open your Inbox and you see all the Chat History that you done with your Friends Previously.
  9. Its a Show Times, You need to Check your Right Top Corner in your Chrome Browser. There will be a Small Icon of that Extension. Just Click on it.004
  10. When your Hit Click and a Notification bar comes up Where you again Click “Launch”. It will show you a Pop Up Confirmation that you really want to Delete all Facebook Messages.
  11. Click “OK” Button and in Few Seconds you see that your all Inbox Chat History is Deleted.
This Way you Easily  Delete All Facebook Messages At Once 2015 rather than Delete One by One So, I said to all my Visitor “Don’t Work Hard, Just Work Smart”. Use This Amazing Chrome Extension that make your work easy to delete all Facebook Messages Easily.

From Editor’s Desk :

We Cover Many of Popular Facebook Tips and Tricks that Help People to make their Work Easy. There are too many complex way to do that But here we share a Easiest way to Do any Facebook Tricks here with Steps by Steps Guides. In This You see that How you Delete your all Facebook Messages at Once. There is no need to waste your Time to Delete Each Message one by one. Use This Chrome Extension and Delete all messages from inbox at once.
If This Article Help you So Please Share with your Friends and Relative. They Still Might Delete Messages One by One so Share this Article and Improve Facebook Use Experience. If you see any mistake or any Doubt about this Article So Please Leave your Precious Comment Below.

Accept or Reject all Friend Requests on Facebook at Once

If You are Looking to Accept or Reject all Friend Requests at Once on Facebook So, You are in Right Place Because We Share a Simple and Easy Tutorial to this Facebook Trick. When someone send you a Request You may be Accept it or Reject it But When you use your Facebook account for a long Time so You have many Facebook Friends Request in your Account. You Either want to Accept it or Reject it. But It Consume most of your Time so We have a Facebook Trick that make your task easy. Let me Show, We Already Post many Facebook Tips & Tricks that Enhance your Facebook User Experience. Today, We have a Tricks to Accept or Reject your all Friends Request at Once in Just One Click. You just need to Download a Google Chrome Extension named “Facebook Friends Request Accept/Reject” Just Follow these Below Step by Step Guide to Accept or Reject your Facebook Friends Request at Just One Click.

Why We Need to Accept or Reject all Friend Requests in Facebook ?

Guys, You know that Accept or Reject a Single Request takes too much time to do this. So We share this Guide that Help our Visitor to improve their User Experience of Facebook. There are many Guides on Internet Who show this Facebook Trick but Using Script that is No more working Right Now. So Before write this Tutorial we test this Tutorial with one of my Friends Facebook Profile and It 100% working.
You Just Need to Use This Chrome Extension and Open Friends Request and Click on that Icon Now Take a Cup of Coffee and Sit Back. It Automatically Accept or Reject your Facebook Friends Request in Just one Click.

Steps to Accept or Reject all Friend Requests on Facebook at Once :

  • Open you Google Chrome Web Browser and Go to Chrome Web Store.
  • Then You need to Find a Chrome Extension named “Facebook Friends Requests Accept/Reject” You can also Get this Extension Here.
  • After Add this Extension in your Google Chrome. You can see a Small Icon on Top of Right Side Corner.
  • Now Login your Facebook Account and Open your Friends Requests that you want to Accept or Reject it.
  • Then Click on that Icon Located at Top of Right Side Corner in Browser.
  • On the Next Screen there is Pop Up Dialog Box in Which you have two Option one is to Accept Friends Request at Once or Reject Friends Request.
  • Just Choose any of Them and Click on Below Green Button and the Process is Start.
  • You can See the Count on Screen. Job Done Successfully !
There are many of Tutorials and Guide on Internet to This Trick But Before Writing this Guide We assume that many of Tricks is with using Scripts So that are no more. Because Facebook Improve their Security day by day and Block access from script and other malicious Codes. So with This Chrome Extension you can easily accept/reject all facebook friends request at just once.

From Editor’s Desk :

Above is the 100% Genuine Facebook Trick that you use When you Have many of Facebook Friends Request. It is very Important to Aware about Facebook Tips & Tricks Because it help you to save your Precious Time that you waste on Facebook. Above is the Best Way to Accept or Reject Facebook friends Request at Just Once.
If You have any Doubt or Problem with this Article So you can Leave your Comment as a Suggestion or Problem. We can Reply or Fix your Problem as Soon as Possible.

How to Change Your Name on Facebook After Limit 2016 ?

Here is the Official Way to Change Your Name on Facebook After Limit. Sometime after Using many names on Facebook you cross the Limits So, Facebook assumed as Wrong Activity and Banned to Using too many Names that not Looking like real one. But Now We Have Solution below to Change Your Name on Facebook After Limit 2016.
There are Many of Facebook Limits that People Still Don’t Know that There is Name Limits for your Profile, Can’t Change Facebook Page name After Reaching 200 Likes, Can’t Rename Group after 250 Members, Can’t Add More than 5,000 Friends on Facebook. Most of Young Teenagers on Facebook use Stylish Names like Angel, Princess, Devil etc. Facebook not Allow user to use Fake Identity on Their Profiles So They Banned these Accounts. If You not want to get Banned by Facebook use your Real Name on Facebook. Here we are going to tell you how you Officially Rename your Facebook profile name into your Real Name Using Government ID, Proof Where your Real Name is Mention.
This Issue is Facing by Those Facebook Users Who Change their Facebook Name probably 4-5 Times So after Crossing the Name Limit they are not Able to Change their Facebook Name. They can Give you the Option of Name that you Previously using. I Recommended you that use your Real name on Facebook that you use in your Real Life. So Further You can’t Get Banned by Facebook Team.

Steps to Change Your Name on Facebook After Limit 2016 :

Before Follow these Steps Keep in your Mind that You are now going to Officially change your name on Facebook. So, Use your real name that printed on your Government ID’s, Proofs and Student ID’s. If you write Fake name and you Definitely Get banned by Facebook. Following Documents are Used to Verify your Facebook Account Name.
  • Driver’s License.
  • Voter ID Card.
  • Passport.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • Marriage Certificate.
When You Exceed Limits to Change your Facebook Profile Name So In The End you have One Way to Change Your Name that use your Authenticated Name that Match with your Government ID’s. So If You wan to Change your Name to your Real Name Click Here.
You Can See in This Image that Enter Your Real First Name, Last Name and If You have Middle Name So Type in Middle Name. You can Pick any Reason to Change your Name Like Legal Name Change etc. and Then Next Click on Choose and Upload Government ID’s and Proof and Hit Send Button.

Alternative Way to Change Your Name on Facebook After Limit :

If You have not any of the Above Documents So You have Alternative Way to Verify your Facebook Account Name that You Need to Upload Two ID’s Where your Name is Same Like Student ID’s, Library Cards & Transport Cards etc.
You Only Need to Upload Two Non Government ID’s that Listed Below :
  • Mail.
  • Check.
  • School ID’s.
  • Library Card.
  • Permit.
  • Transit card.
  • Utility Bill.
  • Credit Card.
  • School Record.
  • Medical Records.
  • Bank Statement.
Additionally You Must Have Your Real Picture on your Facebook Profile Because It can help you Rapidly Verify your name. Facebook Team is Manually Authenticate your Name So When you have your own Picture on Facebook You can easily Get Verified By Facebook Team.

From Editor’s Desk :

Guys, Above is the Official Way to Change your Facebook Name into Real One. It is a Stage When if you use Fake Name you Get Banned. So Guys Change into your Name that you use in your Real Life. After Follow Above Steps to Change Your Name on Facebook After Limits You can Get Message from Facebook Review Team within 4-5 Days and You name is Changed and Verified by Facebook. You also Listed in Facebook Authenticated Name’s List. If You Face any Issue Regarding this Tutorial you can Comment it Below.

How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages, Pictures & Videos ?

Now Guys Today am Gonna show your How to Recover Deleted Facebook Messages, Pictures and Videos. Many of People Accidentally or Delete Their Messages, images and Videos for Some Reasons But They Need Their Data Later So To Recover the Deleted Data on Facebook you can use These Below simple Steps. Facebook Officially add a Feature that your can Download and Backup all of your Data Including Messages, Pictures and Videos. So, We Demonstrate this Article using the Official Feature of Facebook.
People on Internet Hit Many Searches on Google, Bing and Yahoo to “How To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages” & “Recover Deleted Messages from Facebook” So There are Many of Fake Posts on Internet. Don’t Waste your Precious Time to read that Crap. Just Stick with the Right Mentor that Really Going to Help you.

Steps To Recover Deleted Facebook Messages, Pictures And Videos :

  1. Login to Your Facebook Account and go to Settings. By Default you are in General settings.
  2. Now you can See the “Download a Copy” Option Just Click on that Link.
  3. On Next Screen you See the Green Button “Start My Archive” in Which they Archive your all Messages, Images and Videos.
  4. When you Click on that Green Button they ask you for a Password. Enter your Password and Click “Start My Archive”.
  5. Then They will sent a Mail to Your Inbox Where you have link to download all of your Facebook Data.
  6. There is a .ZIP File Just Extract and find your all Lost Messages, images and Videos.

From Editor’s Desk :

Above are the Basic and Very Easy Steps to Recover Deleted Facebook Messages, Pictures and Videos in 2016. I Hope Above Tutorial will Help your to Recover Deleted Facebook Messages that Your Accidentally Lost and Deleted for some Reason. You can Explore more Facebook Tips, Tricks & Hacks 2016. These Tricks can help you to Use Facebook Feature Wisely.

How to Add All Friends To Facebook Group By Single Click ? – 2016

Add All Friends To Facebook Group – Guys, Facebook is the Best Place to share Your Pictures, Videos and Other Media. Facebook have wide Variety of Features like Facebook Page, Facebook Groups, Events, Notes Like things that can also help to Promote your Content. Now Today we are going to Discuss about Facebook Groups. It is the Place Where you can Perform Discussion about any Niche Depend on your Group. In Facebook Group there are many cool features like any of Post is only Posted in Group after the Approval of Admin So in that way you can make your Group a better place of Discussion Where you can only Approve the Suitable Posts that help others and Solve Problems too.
Sometimes we need a Wide Audience to Discuss any Agenda so we Manually Add Members in Group one by one. So today We Remove that One by One thing. You can Now “Add all Friends to Facebook Group by Single Click” You only need to Follow the Below Steps to add all Facebook friends in any group in Just at One Click. It can solve many of your Problem and Specially Save your Precious Time that you can use in some other Tasks.

Steps to Add All Friends To Facebook Group :

  1. First Login to your Facebook Account.
  2. Open that Group in Which you want to add all of Your Facebook Friends.
  3. Now Press F12 Button no Matter you using Firefox or Chrome. It Works on Both.
  4. Basically it Open the Browser Console.
  5. Now Copy & Paste that Script in [ This Link ] and Hit Enter.
  6. Your Browser May show some types of Refuse Error Don’t Worry It is add your Facebook Friends to that Group Successfully.
You can also Check our Previous Posts on Invite all Facebook Friends at One click and Other Facebook Hacks that Enhance your Facebook User Experience. Guys Don’t worry about the Script It is Safe and Virus Free. You can Freely use it all Popular Browses Like Google Chrome, Mozilla etc.

How To Install Cydia without Jailbreak?

iPhone is the most used phone’s in the world and Cydia is a cracked app provided in the jailbreak iPhone. If you want to install Cydia, you need to jailbreak you iPhone it may cause some harmful effect like no network phone can’t start anything like this if you do this yourself. But today I went show you how to install Cydia without jailbreak any iPhone, which has any ios version like ios 4, ios 4, ios 6 anyone you can install Cydia on any phone like 2g, 3g, 3gs, 4g, 4gs, 5g any on them easily. No need to connect your iPhone to any computer yes you can install Cydia without connected your iPhone to the computer. You need to follow this method anyone which match you just come with me what I ask you to do you will surely install Cydia Download in you iPhone without the jailbreak. Follow the steps. I will show you all method to install Cydia on your iPhone. How To Install Cydia without Jailbreak How do you get Cydia

How To Install Cydia without Jailbreak

Method 1:
  1. First of all, you to download an app from app store provided by Apple just open app store and find for app vSSH client.
  2. Complete download after open this app you will show quick connect network click there.
  3. Then You need to know you wi-fi IP address you can find this address Go To Setting > wi-fi > open, connected network just like shown in the picture.
  4. Copy that IP address and go back to sHH client app and fill that IP address in the IP Host option.
  5. Then move down don’t change the port address and enter the username is root.
  6. Then click on the Connect option in the top there.
  7. Options pop up there asks for Yes once or yes permanently click on the just once.
  8. Then it will ask you for the password and the password is alpine.
  9. Then click on return it will process and the click on the back option shown near keyboard option at the top.
  10. Then just copy this code
    wget -q -O /tmp/ && chmod 755 /tmp/ && /tmp/
  11. Then just paste this code there. Then click return The download will start it will take up to 1 to 2 min.
  12. When you download complete, it will restart automatically.
  13. Then you will see Cydia icon on the screen just click there.
  14. It will take some time to download and then you will run Cydia in your iPhone without jailbreak your iPhone.
  15. These are just simple steps how to install Cydia . next method

    Updated Method How To Install Cydia without Jailbreak

    Method 2:
    1. you just need to click on the link Download Cydia.
    2. Then you can see the page with option there click on the free.
    3. It will pop up an option to install Cydia click on install app.
    4. You need to click on the add to home screen option there.
    5. Wait till Cydia icon load click on add.
    6. Then you can see Cydia app icon on your phone click on Cydia
    7. It will take some process and there you go Cydia worked without jailbreak.

           Method 3:
                 1.Go to…
                 2.Add iPhoneClub website to home screen
                 3.Rename iPhoneClub to Cydia
                 4.Click here to Cydia
These are the two of working method to How do you install Cydia in your iPhone without jailbreak your device. With very natural ways. There are many methods given on the internet but all are fake or not working, but both these are working well checked by myself in my friend’s phone cause I don’t have my :P. How To Install Cydia without Jailbreak
Make Some good comment down and let our user know these tricks are working or not if had any problem let me know I will help you out fast any Cydia related problem. Like the post tweet to your friends and share anywhere.

How To Change Folder Color in Windows?

Are you tired of the same colour folders on your Windows computer? change folder color
Is it difficult for you to find something?
Or want to amaze your friends?
Then, I have software for you which can change folder color. I know, it is one of the best things to show to our friends and even changing the folder colour will help you to recognise that which colour folder contains which data.

I also use the coloured folders because it helps me to access my data quickly without reading the names of the folder again and again. The best thing is that it is almost compatible with all your windows OS, you can use it on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. change folder color
If you are interested and wants to change folder color, then changing the folder colour is as easy as refreshing your Windows computer. Because all you need is a simple software to download and then use it with ease.

How to Change folder color in Windows 7, 8,8.1 & 10

I know it’s an easy process but I will provide a little tutorial which will help you greatly. So let’s move with the steps.
  1. The first step is to download a software named Folder Colorizer. It’s an entirely free program which will not harm your system. So to download it click here.
  2. When you have downloaded the Folder Colorizer, then install it by double clicking on the setup.
  3. The above image shows how you can accept and agree with their agreement and terms. So click on the next button to accept the terms.
  4. When you press next button, then the software will ask you to install the programme. So click on the install button and you are ready to change folder color.
  5. There might be a welcome message for you, but let’s move to the primary step to change folder colour. Now select a folder and right-click on it, you will find an option “colourize”.
  6.  Now, when you move your cursor to colourize option, then options with many colours will seem like in the image below. Just select a colour and colour of the folder will be changed instantly.
  7. If you want to change the colour or restore the folders original colour, then it’s also as easy as changing the colour. Just select the option “Restore original colour” by choosing an option from colourize.
I think this was the easiest way to change folder color. Because there were no coding or settings required modifying the colour of the folder. But still if you think there’s another easy and safe way to change colour in windows, then please let us know in the comments.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How To Make WiFi Hotspot Easily In Windows

Hello Friends i am posting this because there is lot of fake or not working software in the web they make hostspot but the network not get connected with that hotspot. Some of them are paid and some of them can’t even work, but we can also make hotspot from our windows in built function In windows 7 there is in-built function in networks and sharing center. But if you are using windows 8 or window 8.1 there is no option of making hotspot, but here is another trick from we can also make hotspot with in-built windows function we don’t have to install any software what we need to do is, follow the steps given below.

How To Make WiFi Hotspot Easily In Windows

  1. Hover mouse to left corner and  right click on it select Command Prompt(Admin) in your computer.
  2. Check whether your computer is supported for Hosted network or not. Type the following command in Command Prompt.
  3. Command : netsh wlan show drivers.
  4. If the result is “YES” then proceed to Step 5 or else download the required drivers from your vendor website.
  5. Type “netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=yourname key=yourpassword” (enter the command without the quotations).
    Note: You can use your own parameters for SSID and KEY and Password must be greater than 8 digits.
  6. You have successfully established the Network Connection.
  7. Last Command you need to enter is to start hosting : netsh wlan start hostednetwork
You have successfully hosted a network.

Sharing your Wireless Network Adapter

  1.  Go to control Panel -> Network and Internet and select Network and Sharing Center.
  2. There you can see your newly created network under the original network connection.
  3. Select “Change adapter settings” in the left side column of Network and Sharing Center.
  4. Right click on your Wireless Network Adapter and select properties. Select the tab “Sharing“. Check the option “Allow other network users to connect through this internet’s connection” option. Mention your newly created hosted network name.
  5. You have successfully turned on your WiFi Hotspot. Now you can surf internet from any device using the Hotspot.

    Make bat file to start network hosting in one click

    • Open notpad write these three commands.
      netsh wlan show drivers
      netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=yourname key=123456789
      netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    • Save it as wifihost.bat and place it to desktop.
    • All done next time if you want to start hosted network only run this file as admin and it’s get started.
So this is all about How To Make WiFi Hotspot Easily In Windows.
Enjoy WAIBAShare, Feel free to share any where in the WEB.
Had any problem comment down happy to HELP.